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 My letter to the Cult

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My letter to the Cult Empty
PostSubject: My letter to the Cult   My letter to the Cult Icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 10:31 pm

Charater name : Arculas Perlon
Class : Priest

Why did you want to join the cult?
I have seen you around Brill a few times and i have started doing a bit of RP with you and i do enjoy it, as i enjoy the Forsaken, as they have a interesting storyline.
How did you come to learn about the cult?
As i said i have seen you around Brill and done abit of RP with you, i have heard the storys of the Forsaken from you.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
I have been RPing abit before and i do enjoy it, i am also a Shadow Priest.
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Posts : 525
Join date : 2009-06-21
Location : Israel

My letter to the Cult Empty
PostSubject: Re: My letter to the Cult   My letter to the Cult Icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 11:04 pm

Shadow wrote:
Charater name : Arculas Perlon
Class : Priest

Why did you want to join the cult?
I have seen you around Brill a few times and i have started doing a bit of RP with you and i do enjoy it, as i enjoy the Forsaken, as they have a interesting storyline.
How did you come to learn about the cult?
As i said i have seen you around Brill and done abit of RP with you, i have heard the storys of the Forsaken from you.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
I have been RPing abit before and i do enjoy it, i am also a Shadow Priest.

(( You forgot the most important part- IC part. anything will do- act as if you write us a letter, or anything of that kind. ))
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